Posts Learning How to Learn

Learning How to Learn

Learning how to Learn:

As a software engineer, the only thing that does not change about software is that it continuously changes. Therefore, learning is your ultimate destination. Below I summarize the points learned from Coursera course: Learning how to Learn ->

Week 1: Focus Mode vs Diffuse Mode:

  • Focus mode should last around 50 minutes with 10 minutes break.
  • While diffuse mode is taking a day off every week.
  • We have dynamic synapses when learning. Meaning that as learn, synapses develop. Synapses is not something static you are born with
  • Neurons link together with repetition through recalling technique. Study the concept ones and test yourself directly. Do repetitive mini tests.
  • When you study things, they are in the working memory. Only time and practice can move it to the long-term memory.
  • Spaced repetition is the way to go, study a material over several days rather than one intense session per day
  • Studying is like lifting weights, they need time and focused practice
  • If you are on plateau while learning, first and foremost enjoy the plateau, your brain is creating neuron links. Second, try to change the strategy and technique.
  • Use mnemonics while learning, which is learning by association to physical things.
  • When starting with a new idea, get a blank piece of paper and write down ideas on landscape mode, as much as possible. Then organize later.

Week 2:

  • Chunking is the idea of breaking down what you want to learn into concepts. Understand the concepts as puzzle pieces. Small steps at a time and then connect them together. This can be done by first surveying and priming which means scan the syllabus/paper/book to get a general idea of the topic. Then try to understand the steps within each concept. They apply recalling which is mini tests without looking at the answers. Try to build your own project or application around that to crystalize the methods in your brain.
  • In other words, understand the overall pattern by creating a road man, then drill into the details.
  • An excellent method is, start by reading the material, then cover it away and try to recall as much as you can. This will make it clear where you lack understanding or is vague about some details. These are the points that you should start drilling into next.
  • Space repetition and mini-quizzes is a method that you must follow in order to gain deep understanding of the material!
  • Get a blank paper and explain to yourself in a loud clear voice
  • Create analogies to difficult concepts
  • How to develop motivation for a topic? Have an end goal, a clear objective on why you are doing what you are doing.
  • Illusion of competence: Looking at the solution and thinking you know it is an illusion. You have to make it your “own” solution by writing it down yourself. Write brief notes that summarize the concepts.
  • Interleaving: Jump between related materials to get an overall picture

Week 3: How to deal with Procrastination?

  • The system to deal with procrastination is to map it out into this system o Cue – What triggers procrastination? o Routine – What routine do you automatically go in when cue is triggered? o Reward – How can you replace that with a reward? o Belief – Does that fit your belief system of achieving the work?
  • Find out what triggers your procrastination via the cue. Is it getting too tired? is it the clock After you understand that see if it’s possible to eliminate it, if not, understand the Routine you get into? Gaming, social media…etc. Ones you mapped out the Cue and the routine. Start to derive an alternative plan of reward that fits your belief more, so you are in control of your time.
  • If it is 5oclock and you start getting tired, get a break and start doing some exercise for example. By combining 50 minutes with 10-minute break. Have a longer 2-hour break during 5pm time just to reset your energy and change your environment. By rewiring your habits slowly, you will be able to harness your procrastination for relaxing in a way that fits your working purpose.
  • Focus on the process and not the product. The brain works best if you harness your energy into focusing on the process rather than the product. Think about this way, I have 55 minutes to solve the problem, rather than I have 2 years to complete my Ph.D. This helps putting the energy in the moment rather than waste it is wondering on the future and the long run.
  • Always start with the hard task, since that is where you must focus the energy first.
  • Practice makes practice, repeat again on a different day in a different environment.
  • Turn abstract concepts in computing to real images you can think about via association learning
  • Learning has nothing to do with speed, take your time and understand the concept so it solidifies in your brain
  • Solving a problem is a journey, enjoy the process
  • When facing a hard problem, spend a solid 10 to 15 minutes trying to bash at it, then walk away and try again before looking at the solution.

Week 4: How to become a better learner:

  • Physical exercise is better than the best drug to help you learn
  • Learn using metaphor and analogy. The more visual the better. They are vitally important to understand the central concept you are learning. Ones you understand it, feel free to throw the metaphor away.
  • Learning does not progress linearly; your brain needs time to build brain foundation. There are periods where you will be absorbing a lot and other times It takes much longer to assimilate new knowledge. This will feel that you took a step back but, your brain is re-constructing a stronger foundation.
  • You don’t learn how to swing in a day. Instead it takes weeks for your muscle to gain muscle memory to give that smooth swing. Ones you develop a good swing, you can go faster and do it off memory. You do not necessarily have to go the long way of saying the metaphor and decrypting it. And that is the beauty of practice makes perfect.
  • During critical times, your conscious mind shuts down and allow your experienced “unconscious mind” to take over. This will rely on deliberate training and practice and the hours you have put in to solidify your experience.
  • You can enhance neural connection by practicing those neurons
  • Have the flexible ability to look beyond the material, get your hands wet with the actual data and practice instead of gazing at it, and sneak off and learn new things.
  • People will always criticize you no matter what you do, have the ability to tune those people who undercut you. And it is way too common to have competitive people that undercut you.
  • Use your ability and natural talents for your further gain of understanding, rather than to demean yourself.
  • Perseverance is the gift of the not so smart to get smart.
  • Change your perspective to deep breathing from your tummy and say, “This problem is exciting”. This might help reduce the stress hormones
  • Always go back to check your work, to get a mental breath and that helps use different parts of the brain.

Here is a nice paper by Barbara summarizing all her key concepts:

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